Tuesday, October 22, 2013


This powerpoint was covered with a lot of cool photos of animals in africa. In this photo I chose, there is a lion cub sitting down looking at whats ahead of him. I chose this photo because the way the photographer took the photo without the lion realizing it, and how the sky looks and how the background supports the photo, makes the photo look a lot better. there was many pictures to pick from but this one caught my attention the most. The black and white makes it a lot better because it shuts out the color and makes you focus on the main subject of the picture. this photo also contains the rule of thirds because the lion isn't in the middle of the picture and is on the side of the picture, which make it better because then it shows the sky. 

Nick Brandt

what type of camera does he use? he uses Pentax 67 11 with 120 film

what is the reason to take the photos? he wants to record a last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are destroyed by the hand of man.

what is his hope for taking these photos? his photographs retain an aura of mystery and the vitality of life.

"There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals and landscapes of East Africa. There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about those vast green rolling plains under the huge skies. It just affects me, as I think it almost inevitably does many people, in a very fundamental, possibly primordial way."

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