Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Photo Composition and 9-11

I chose this photo to represent simplicity because the background is simple. i chose this photo because not only did it meet the standards but it is a good picture to show simplicity. this tool is useful in so many photos and a very easy way to catch a moment of life.

Rule of Thirds
i chose this photo as rule of thirds because it is a great picture showing a scene from the horrible tragedy of 9/11. this is a good example of rule of thirds because the building isn't fully in the middle but its to the left but still clear.

this photo is a man falling from the top of a building to escape the fire. the picture shows lines off the building. theres  many pictures that include lines in them but this one came to show off set, meaning this was captured as it happened instead of just asking someone to pose.

this photo shows us an explosion off a building during 9/11. balance is included in this photo because the way the camera capture the colors, shapes and how detailed the smoke from the fire showed up. 

framing was found in this unbelievable photo capture of a man captured walking in the empty streets of NY, after the tragic of 9/11. the man in the middle is perfect example of framing because he is the center of the photo and the streets of NY, makes the photo stand out more.


this photo isn't the best photo because you don't know what is the main focus on the picture. people, buildings and the incident are being cut off and because of this, this photo isn't the best. even though the picture isn't the best, you can still see the streets covered with smoke and many people not sure what to do.

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